Food and Alcoholic Beverages

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*With our services, marketing authorizations are achieved in the countries where we operate, we provide regulatory services, we do not manufacture products


The marketing authorizations for food products in America are not harmonized, each country has local standards that regulate the processes; Some governments require prior obtaining of a sanitary registry in compliance with particular regulations, and regulatory agencies are in charge of writing the regulatory processes.

In recent decades, governments have focused on modifications to nutritional labeling regulations, so many products today are required to declare frontal warning labels.

Aruna Asesores has a team of engineers, chemists and lawyers who are experts in local regulations, who advise companies on the preparation of legal and technical texts that labels must comply with in each country.

Alcoholic Beverages

Aruna Asesores SAS provides advice on health issues, with the new regulations this category today is much more regulated and controlled by the state. Its manufacturing plants must be approved by the health authority, the technical and legal documents are more demanding to obtain the health records with the objective that the producers are aware of the importance of the ownership of the health records. This category is obliged to register the products with Departmental Revenue. We are knowledgeable and have experience in the sector, thus tending to register and enter the market in real competitive times.

Below, you will find the services associated with Food and Alcoholic Beverages:

Check with our professionals online or get frequent questions about registration processes in different countries

Check with our professionals online or get frequent questions about registration processes in different countries